Spiritual GiftsWe receive the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. However, we are not always aware of the works of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is one way for us to reinvigorate our awareness of the Holy Spirit and his mission to draw us closer to Jesus and the Church. As we become aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit and the intimate relationship we can have with Jesus, the Spiritual Gifts of the Spirit are showered upon us and Jesus wills.

We find the following in the text from the Charismatic Renewal International Service in Rome, Italy.

New in Expression

The new evangelization is new in expression if the evangelist proclaims the gospel in clear and direct terms, if he pays attention to the signs that accompany the proclamation of the word, and if he, driven by a deep faith, speaks under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Through baptism in the Holy Spirit, we learn to imitate Jesus, who “went about all Galilee, teaching, preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people” (Mt 4:23), and who sent his disciples to do the same (Mk 16:15–17). The proclamation of the kingdom is not only in words but also in deeds, done through faith in Jesus’ name and the power of the Holy Spirit.


The new evangelisation calls us to return to the teaching of Jesus and the powerful action of the Holy Spirit. It therefore calls for a return to basics. The Life in the Spirit Seminar proposes an approach to meeting the living Jesus and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit. It is truly a royal path of entry into the abundant life (Jn 10:10).
Charismatic Renewal International Service (CHARIS)

Thus, the Life in the Spirit seminars are one of the most important keys to opening our minds and hearts to the works of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. The Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit flow from that growth in holiness inspired by the Holy Spirit.