Daniel Fast
Dear Members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal,
Glory to God who is all good and deserving of all our love and praise. We are in his hands and he is in control. All we have to do is seek his face and everything will fall into place in his time. The pandemic and the riots will pass. Nothing is permanent in this life but God. Most of us are staying home and out of harm’s way due to age or health. It is a perfect time to be enriching our lives with online LIS seminars, daily you tube videos, live streaming conferences and prayer meetings via Go to Meeting.com, Zoom.com, FreeConferencecall.com, etc.
Please read about the Daniel Fast below. It has already started, but it is really not too late to begin.
Proclaiming a Daniel Fast …
Janet Klasson has written to encourage us to think about a Daniel Fast. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and a professed member of the Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis* (BSP).
She writes: “At that time, I, Daniel, had been mourning for three weeks. I had eaten no rich food, no meat or wine had entered my mouth, and I had not anointed myself at all, for the full three weeks.” (Daniel 10: 2-3)
In 2019 I attended a “Jesus Heals” event put on by Shalom World Media. It was powerful. The Shalom prayer and evangelization ministry blossomed from a small charismatic group formed in India in 1989. In the power of the Holy Spirit, through many leaps of faith, Shalom has since spread its ministry around the world, not least through a world-wide media outreach, including an active online presence, a YouTube channel and an award-winning TV station, “Shalom TV, God’s Own Channel”, as they call it.
I include all this by way of introduction for those who have never heard of Shalom World Media, as I want to invite you all to participate in their latest initiative, a 21-Day Daniel Fast.
Shalom is leading an international, online, guided Daniel Fast. It is being led by Rev. Roy Palatty, CMI, a holy and Spirit-filled priest. It will run from August 1 to 21, 2020 for the following intentions:
- To save humanity from the deadly plague of corona.
- In reparations for the sins committed by us and our families.
- To strengthen all the evangelization efforts of bringing Jesus to the ends of the earth.
- To prepare the Holy Catholic Church to embrace a new Pentecost.
Further details and a sign-up link may be found at: https://www.shalommedia.org/danielfasting/
To be honest I felt apprehensive when I first thought about participating, but I immediately realized that fear was not from the Lord. Several years ago, I felt the Lord speak these words into my heart, “Have you done enough yet? Can you say that you have?” That phrase comes back to me often and the answer is always, “Sadly no, I cannot say that I have done enough yet.” The spirit is willing, but the flesh is oh, so weak! I knew I needed to ante up, to walk the talk. Amen? Amen.
Fasting has never been more urgent. Please seriously consider this invitation, praying for and relying only on the power of the Holy Spirit. If God wants us to do this, HE will see HIS WORK to completion in us. Think of all the people worldwide who will be participating with you. Collective fasting worked wonders in Nineveh!
In closing I would invite you to watch the latest video by Mark Mallet and Daniel O’Connor titled, “The Time of Refuges”. It is the latest in their series explaining the Great Storm of our times. Whether what they say comes to pass or not, you do yourself a favor by preparing yourself for any eventuality. Watch and pray!
If you decide to participate in the Daniel Fast, here is what participants are asked to do to prepare. I received this from my local Shalom leader:
Praise the Lord!
Dear prayer warriors in Christ,
We need the Lord’s grace and mercy to start and complete this fasting prayer with full Spirit. We need to be vigilant about the temptations, laziness, and dryness.
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5: 8)
Let’s start our** Daniel fasting preparation** by offering prayers with the following intentions
- For Fr. Roy, to be anointed with Holy Spirit.
- For all the participants to get the strength and spiritual alertness to start and complete this fasting prayer effectively.
- For protection of us and our families.
- For all the intentions of Daniel Fasting.
We will offer rosaries and ask Mother Mary’s intercession, Divine Mercy chaplets praying for Our Lord’s mercy, and St. Michael’s prayer for protection.
Come Holy Spirit! Let the fire fall!
COVID-10 Update:
Because Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties in Oregon are still in Phase I reopening, WOCCR has been forced to cancel the last two events planned for this year. However, we are hoping to invite Fr. Lange, Fr. Recker and Fr. Furlow back next year. We have also been talking to members of the Shalom Prayer and Evangelization Ministries about a larger Conference this Spring. Let us pray that the pandemic is long over by then.
Plans for Next Year:
We hope to have an event in the Spring of 2021. Rev. (Dr.) Roy Palatty, CMI, Spiritual Director, Shalom Media, will probably be our main presenter, if we can arrange a time and date.
Father Roy was born in India and is a priest of the Congregation of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate. He earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. Father Roy has been a Professor of Philosophy at Christ University in Bangalore, India, since 2008. His first collaborations with Shalom were through articles for Sunday Shalom newspaper and Shalom Times magazine. Since 2014, he has been serving as Spiritual Director of Shalom Media, directly serving the ministry in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria, and Singapore. Father Roy has a keen interest in the affairs of the universal Church. His passion for helping the Church using media is a special call and his role as Spiritual Director for the ministry leads Shalom Media in new directions for her service. Father Roy is a gifted speaker and is an in-demand preacher around the world, leading numerous Malayalam-language and English retreats for priests, religious, and lay faithful.
Please pray about this future event, and other events for next year.
God Bless you, stay safe and healthy.
Jackie Morgan and WOCCR Service Team