Fall Summary
Dear Friends of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal,
Well, another year has passed. This Fall Summary newsletter provides a review of Fall activities including: Dr. Healy’s retreat in Bend, OR on September 21, 2024; the Healing Mass with WOCCR and the Shalom World Conference team on October 18th; and a very interesting presentation on deliverance by Fr. Timothy Furlow and Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre, on November 9th.

Dr. Mary Healy
Dr. Mary Healy presented a wonderful session titled: “Encountering Jesus: A Call to Holiness, Healing, and Mission”. It occurred on September 21, 2024 at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Bend, OR.
I would love to say we had something to do with that conference, because it was masterful. WOCCR did help advertise it but that was it.
I went as an attendee. Dr. Healy gave one of the best presentations I have ever seen. They attracted 350 people from Canada to California. Encounter Ministries was there to help with the ministry portion. Several people were healed.

Dr. Healy’s Presentation, September 2024
A couple of weeks later they sent out another invitation to join them in discussion about the results of conference.
Fr. Jilto George, CMI
Fr. Chuck Wood
Fr. Jilto George, Shalom World Conference Team and Fr. Chuck Wood, our Archdiocesean Liaison presided over a Healing Mass on October 18, 2024.
WOCCR and the Shalom World Team collaborated to provide a Healing Mass with Praise and Worship, Eucharistic Adoration, and special prayers for healing and blessing. What a team they were. It was wonderful and very Holy. About 100 people attended this Mass.
WOCCR invited Fr. Timothy Furlow and Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre to help us understand Spiritual Warfare in these troubled times.

Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre

Fr. Tim Furlow
The session was held at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Lake Oswego, OR on November 9, 2024. The presenters described what it really is and how we as the Charismatic Renewal fit in. How we can protect ourselves and those around us. This was an excellent session that helped those attending to see that all of us have wounds from events in our lives. It showed the importance of seeking the Lord’s healing in order to make us “whole” again. About 150 people attended this session.
WOCCR would like your help. Please email us at woccrs@gmail.com, subj: Nov 9, 2024. We would like to know how you felt about this presentation. Is this subject new to you? Did you learn anything new? Fortify what you already knew? Would you like to learn more?

Fr. Timothy Furlow’s Presentation, Nov 2024
We taped their talks and are in the process of editing them and will make them available in the new year.
WOCCR is in the process of planning for next year. Some of that planning will depend on your responses. Thank you very much for helping us.
God Bless you and have a very Merry and HOLY CHRISTMAS.
WOCCR Service Team