Thank you for your interest in renewing your relationship with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. There are several steps you can take to open yourself to refreshment by the Holy Spirit. Please see it one or several of these work for you.
- Read about the first encounter the Duquesne University students had with the Holy Spirit in 1967.
- Study the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit and see if you can identify which ones are active in your life today. Then acknowledge those Fruits and build on those Gifts and Charisms
- Read about the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal on this website.
- Check the Events page on this website to see if there are Prayer Groups or events that are available to you. Participate again if they work for you.
- Find ways that you can get involved once again. Volunteering can help encourage your participation.
- Support or donate to local Prayer Groups ore events that speak to you.
These are some ideas, do you find one or more that appeal to you or can you think of other options? May the Lord bless your efforts.