Dear Friends of the Charismatic Renewal,
The WOCCR Service team met January 9 via Zoom. We discussed plans for 2024. The WOCCR is thinking about a Day of Renewal in June and another Area Wide Prayer Meeting in the Fall. We are reaching out to potential speakers.
We also discussed new memberships as well as a possibility of forming a support group that would pray for us and help us support our events with advice, time and talents.
Healing Masses

Fr. Roy Palatty
Shalom Media is sponsoring three Healing Masses this February:
- Monday, Feb 19, 2024 at St. Matthews in Hillsboro, OR
- Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 at Holy Trinity in Beaverton, OR
- Thursday, Feb 22, 2024 at St. Francis in Sherwood, OR
The events will start at 5:45 pm with the Divine Mercy Rosary, then Mass will begin.
Fr. Roy Palatty will celebrate. He was born in India and is a priest of the Congregation of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate. He earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. Father Roy has been a Professor of Philosophy at Christ University in Bangalore, India, since 2008. His first collaborations with Shalom were through articles for Sunday Shalom newspaper and Shalom Times magazine. Since 2014, he has been serving as Spiritual Director of Shalom Media, directly serving the ministry in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria, and Singapore. Father Roy has a keen interest in the affairs of the universal Church. His passion for helping the Church — using media — is a special calling and his role as Spiritual Director for the ministry leads Shalom Media in new directions for her service. Father Roy is a gifted speaker and is an in-demand preacher around the world, leading numerous Malayalam-language and English retreats for priests, religious, and lay faithful
Note: There will be three more Healing Masses in the Fall. We will keep you updated
Retreat with Dr. Mary Healy.
Dr. Mary Healy
Dr Mary Healy will be in Bend, OR for an all-day retreat on September 21, 2024. It will begin with an 8:00 a.m. Mass and end around 4:00 p.m. The location is St. Francis of Assisi Church They will be registering online and the fee does include lunch.
Dr. Mary Healy is professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and a bestselling author and international speaker. She is a general editor of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture and author of two of its volumes, The Gospel of Mark and Hebrews. Her other books include The Spiritual Gifts Handbook and Healing. Dr. Healy serves the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian unity as a member of the Pentecostal-Catholic International Dialogue. She is one of the first three women ever to serve on the Pontifical Biblical Commission and is a consulter to the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
Prophesy’s from the September 2023 Area Wide Prayer Meeting
It is always good to review prophecies and to discern how they have changed our lives or helped us grow.
Please take some time with these prophecies from the September Area wide event.
Sirach 39:12-16
Once more I will set forth my theme to shine like the moon in its fullness. Listen my faithful children: open up your petals like roses planted near running waters; Send up the sweet odor of incense, break forth in blossoms like the Lily. Send up the sweet order of your hymn of praise. Bless the Lord for all he has done. Proclaim the greatness of His Name, loudly sing his praises with music on the harp and all stringed instruments. Sing out with joy as you proclaim: The works of God are all of them good. In its own time every need is supplied.
My beloved, I open my heart and arms to embrace you in love. You sing and pray the words that you love me. Will you open your hearts completely to me that my love for you can enter more completely than ever before. Trust my love for you.
I am your King. The King you worship. But that is not all. I am so much more than you can imagine or long for. If you let me, I will show you great and hidden things of which you do not know. Let me show you what my heart has in store for you. The plans I have made for you are good! Do not be afraid to ask me your heart’s desire. The plans I have made for you are good.
WOCCR Website Update
At your convenience, please look at the New Website at woccr.org . Our webmaster has spent many, many hours improving it for you. We did update the prayer group meeting times, however they do fluctuate so if you see a mistake, please send the correction to support@woccr.org.
Our Donation button on the website is now working. As we are a 501c (3) organization, you may deduct any offering you make. And you will get a thank you letter from us for your records.
Another addition to the website is a series of questions and answers (Q & A’s). It is to help readers who are interested in the Charismatic Renewal to understand the theology of the Renewal.
We at WOCCRs are very interested in your stories. How you came into the Charismatic Renewal, and how you have grown since.
The question before us all is: “Why is having the Holy Spirit in your life and the work of the Renewal, important to you?”
I know that it may be hard to answer that question. It was for me. But try to respond to the question. Please condense your response to four or five sentences. We will add your testimonies to the front page of the website. I believe that they will rotate through a cycle, so you will see different stories each time you visit the website.
Please send your response to this question along with your photo, by email to: WOCCRTeam@woccr.org. It will be added to the personal testimonies on the website. It would make it easier for us if you put “Website Question” in the subject line.
God bless each and every one of you!!
Please keep us in your prayers.
Yours in Christ,
The WOCCR Service Team