Dear Friends of the Charismatic Renewal,
Request for Prayer and Volunteers for the Ralph Martin Conference
Request for prayer and volunteers for the Ralph Martin Conference. Last night the WOCCR Service Team met to work out some of the outstanding items needed to put on the conference. One item discussed was the very few numbers of registrants. The Conference is five weeks out and only 18 people have registered as of this date.
Request for Prayer
So, We are writing this note to ask you all to please pray very hard for the success of the Conference. Ralph Martin has a very important message that we should all be considering. We all know who he is: President of Renewal Ministries; works with Sr. Ann Shields, and Peter Herbeck; and works with guests like Dr. Scott Hahn.
Request for Volunteers
Our other concern is a lack of volunteers. We need help in a number of areas: setting up and tearing down; someone to sit at Ralph’s book table during breaks; etc. Please note that volunteering would not impact the ability to watch the conference. We also need eucharistic ministers for the Mass and ushers. If that is something you feel led to do, please respond to this request with and email to WOCCR Team@woccr.org. Please provide your name, phone number and what you would like to do.
We are thinking that this conference is really scaring satan and he is fighting against it.
Live Streaming the Conference
We know that traveling with the gas as high as it is might be prohibitive, so we are going to the extra expense of live streaming so you can watch the conference in your living rooms. Many people are still not comfortable with on-site events. And that is understandable. I have the streaming links and will give them out on September 17th, the day after the online registration closes. You simply check your email and click on the appropriate link. There will be three. One for Friday night, one for Saturday morning and one for Saturday afternoon. And you will be able to re-watch them for six months.
Please Pray
Please pray for us, the volunteers and presenters; Bishop Smith, Ralph Martin, Dina Marie Hale and Greg Stone and his musical group, “Sonset.” Please join them as they pray, fast and spend time in Adoration before the conference.
God is good all the time and faithful.
Thank you very much.
Jackie Morgan and
The WOCCR Team