Dear Friends of the Charismatic Renewal,
Updates from CHARIS and other news are in this edition.
Spirit-led ecclesial communities unite
A universal journey

Pope Francis with Pino Scafuro (CHARIS Moderator) and Shayne Bennett (member of the International Service of Communion)
It is one of the strengths, and indeed the beauty, of Catholicism that we can embrace different expressions of our faith. Many people find that expression within the context of a parish community, while others find it within what we call ecclesial communities. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is one such community.
The CCR, however, is not a single community, but rather a variety of entities which have formed for different purposes, such as evangelization, prayer, service, worship, healing, catechesis, and youth ministry. What unites these various groups is that at the heart of every group, and every member, is the desire to draw on the graces that flow from the Holy Spirit — described by the term, “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”.
The CCR, in its current form, has existed for over 50 years with large numbers of different communities across the world. In 2018, Pope Francis proposed that all CCR communities be served at the international level by one body. Thus, Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service (CHARIS) was born in 2019, to strengthen and unify the communion among all Catholic charismatic renewal groups. By doing this, the Pope moved to canonically establish Charis as a Public Association of the Faithful and, as such, recognized the Catholic Charismatic Renewal as a gift to the whole Church. Used with permission by CHARIS International.
— CHARIS International
What is the relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus
The Holy Spirit and Jesus have a joint mission in the world
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states:
“The One whom the Father has sent into our hearts, the Spirit of his Son, is truly God. Consubstantial with the Father and the Son, the Spirit is inseparable from them, in both the inner life of the Trinity and his gift of love for the world. In adoring the Holy Trinity, life-giving, consubstantial, and indivisible, the Church’s faith also professes the distinction of persons. When the Father sends his Word, he always sends his Breath. In their joint mission, the Son and the Holy Spirit are distinct but inseparable. To be sure, it is Christ who is seen, the visible image of the invisible God, but it is the Spirit who reveals him.”
— CCC, 2000, para. 689“Jesus is Christ, “anointed,” because the Spirit is his anointing, and everything that occurs from the Incarnation on derives from this fullness. When Christ is finally glorified, he can in turn send the Spirit from his place with the Father to those who believe in him: he communicates to them his glory, that is, the Holy Spirit who glorifies him. From that time on, this joint mission will be manifested in the children adopted by the Father in the Body of his Son: the mission of the Spirit of adoption is to unite them to Christ and make them live in him . . .”
— CCC, 2000, para. 690
How do We See and Hear the Holy Spirit?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church provides the following response
“No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” Now God’s Spirit, who reveals God, makes known to us Christ, his Word, his living Utterance, but the Spirit does not speak of himself. The Spirit who “has spoken through the prophets” makes us hear the Father’s Word, but we do not hear the Spirit himself. We know him only in the movement by which he reveals the Word to us and disposes us to welcome him in faith. The Spirit of truth who “unveils” Christ to us “will not speak on his own.” Such properly divine self-effacement explains why “the world cannot receive (him), because it neither sees him nor knows him,” while those who believe in Christ know the Spirit because he dwells with them.”
— CCC 687“The Church, a communion living in the faith of the apostles which she transmits, is the place where we know the Holy Spirit:
- in the Scriptures he inspired;
- in the Tradition, to which the Church Fathers are always timely witnesses;
- in the Church’s Magisterium, which he assists;
- in the sacramental liturgy, through its words and symbols, in which the Holy Spirit puts us into communion with Christ;
- in prayer, wherein he intercedes for us;
- in the charisms and ministries by which the Church is built up;
- in the signs of apostolic and missionary life;
- in the witness of saints through whom he manifests his holiness and continues the work of salvation.”
– CCC 688
Above article taken from the Western Oregon Catholic Charismatic Renewal website. You can find additional information on this topic at: www.woccr.org
The following article is for your information and consideration. It is taken from the website of the Catholic News Service.
Date: September 30, 2021
SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) — Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco is asking “all Catholics and others of goodwill” to join a prayer and fasting campaign for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic Democrat who supports legal abortion.
She represents California’s 12th Congressional District, which is entirely within San Francisco.
What has prompted the prayer and fasting campaign is her leadership on the Women’s Health Protection Act, or H.R. 3755, passed by the House in a 218-211 vote Sept. 24.
It codifies the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion nationwide. The measure establishes the legal right to abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy in all 50 states under federal law.
“A conversion of heart of the majority of our congressional representatives is needed on this issue, beginning with the leader of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi,” Archbishop Cordileone said in a statement Sept. 29. “I am therefore inviting all Catholics to join in a massive and visible campaign of prayer and fasting for Speaker Pelosi: Commit to praying one rosary a week and fasting on Fridays for her conversion of heart,” he said.
Reprinted with permission of Catholic News Service; © Copyright 2021 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/CNS.
Here is one prayer to St. Joseph, you may want to use.
“Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, whose power makes the impossible possible, come to my aid in these times of anguish and difficulty. Take under your protection the serious and troubling situations that I commend to you, that they may have a happy outcome. My beloved father, all my trust is in you. Let it not be said that I invoked you in vain, and since you can do everything with Jesus and Mary, show me that your goodness is as great as your power.” Amen.
From Archdiocese of Portland Website
The WOCCR Service Team met recently to begin planning events for next year. Our major event: Ralph Martin will be coming on September 23–24, 2022. It will take place at St. Edward’s in Keizer. There will be pre-registration and registration at the door; we don’t know the cost yet. We will likely reserve a hotel block of about 25 rooms for Friday night. If you are coming from southern Oregon, we will reserve a few two-night rooms, for your convenience.
Besides that gathering next September, we explored providing two Healing Masses. We have yet to determine what churches would host those Masses, and we’re considering a live-streaming option. I will give you updates on all the above as we know them.
God Bless you and keep you safe in this time of Covid.
Jackie Morgan and the WOCCR Team