Life in the Spirit

What is the benefit of attending a Life in the Spirit seminar?

Most of us have heard about the Holy Spirit and most of us have learned about the Holy Spirit, but many times that is as far as our experience has gone. The Holy Spirit is a real person, a part of the Blessed Trinity just like Jesus and the Father. We receive the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Through what is called the baptism in the Holy Spirit, a personal conversion experience, the power that is the Holy Spirit is released within us.

By |2024-06-30T17:11:03-07:00August 2, 2023|, |Comments Off on What is the benefit of attending a Life in the Spirit seminar?

What is the difference between a 7 week Life in the Spirit seminar and a 1 day seminar?

There is a difference between a seven week LIS seminar and one that is on one day. The Doctrinal Commission of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service (now known as CHARIS) provides the following discussion: "The Life in the Spirit Seminar was originally designed to be a seven-week program, modeled on the seven weeks of prayer and expectancy that Jesus’ disciples, including his mother Mary, lived from the Resurrection until Pentecost. On the fiftieth day, “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4)."

By |2024-06-30T17:10:04-07:00August 2, 2023|, |Comments Off on What is the difference between a 7 week Life in the Spirit seminar and a 1 day seminar?
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