Dear Friends of the Charismatic Renewal
This news update covers a number of different topics: Area Wide Prayer Meeting; newly revised and updated WOCCR.org website; Healing the Whole Person event; Advent Day of Retreat; and Planning for future events.
The Area Wide Prayer meeting
Area Wide Prayer Meeting
The Area Wide Prayer meeting was held at Christ the King Church, this September 30th. The surrounding property is quite beautiful. The staff were very helpful in our planning process. It was a wonderful day with praise and worship, testimony, and prophecy.
The prophecies below came from that Prayer Meeting. Please pray about these prophecies and share them with your prayer groups.
Once more I will set forth my theme to shine like the moon in its fullness. Listen my faithful children: open up your petals like roses planted near running waters; Send up the sweet odor of incense, break forth in blossoms like the Lily. Send up the sweet order of your hymn of praise. Bless the Lord for all he has done. Proclaim the greatness of His Name, loudly sing his praises with music on the harp and all stringed instruments. Sing out with joy as you proclaim: The works of God are all of them good. In its own time every need is supplied.
Sirach 39:12-16
My beloved, I open my heart and arms to embrace you in love. You sing and pray the words that you love me. Will you open your hearts completely to me that my love for you can enter more completely that ever before. Trust my love for you.
I am your King. The King you worship. But that is not all. I am so much more than you can imagine or long for. If you let me, I will show you great and hidden things of which you do not know. Let me show you what my heart has in store for you. The plans I have made for you are good! Do not be afraid to ask me your heart’s desire. The plans I have made for you are good.
The Redesigned and Updated WOCCR.org is now “live”.
Please look at our new Website at woccr.org . Our webmaster has spent many, many hours improving it for you. Here are just a few of the changes:
- We did update the prayer groups meeting times, however they do fluctuate so if you see a mistake, please send the correction to support@woccr.org.
- We at WOCCRs are very interested in your stories. How you came into the Charismatic Renewal, how you have grown since. The specific question we would like you to answer is: Why are the graces of the Holy Spirit and the work of the Renewal important to you? I know that it will be hard–it was for me–but try to condense your response to 4 or 6 sentences. We will add your testimonies to the front page. I believe that they will rotate through a cycle, so you will see different stories each time you visit the website. Please send your description of your experience to WOCCRTeam@woccr.org.Your response will be added to the Home page on the website. It would help us if you if you put WEBSITE QUESTIONAIRE in the subject line.
- Our Donation button is now working. We are a 501 c (3) charitable organization again. You may deduct on your taxes any offering you make. You will get a thank you letter from us for your records and an annual summary of your donations by February of each year.
- Another addition to the website is a series of questions and answers about the Charismatic Renewal. It is to help readers who are interested in the Charismatic Renewal to understand us better.
If you would like additional information on what is included in the updated website, please click on this Link.
Healing the Whole Person Conference
Our lady of Lavang Church in Happy Valley, OR is sponsoring a two evening and one day conference being offered by the John Paul II Healing Center. The theme is “Healing of the Whole Person”. To date, there are over 800 people who have registered to go in person and an unknown number of people registered for the Streaming option. If you would like to go in person but live too far from Portland, there are several satellite options available:
- St. Alice, Springfield, OR (Spanish)
- Sacred Heart, Medford, OR
- Star of the Sea, Brookings, OR
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Cottage Grove, OR
The dates are the evenings of Thursday and Friday, Nov 31 and Dec 1, respectively and all-day Saturday Dec. 2, 2023.
If interested, please go to the link below:
Additional Information is provided on the Events page for this conference.
Advent Day Retreat
An Advent day Retreat will be held at Our Lady of Peace Retreat at 3600 SW 170th Avenue, Beaverton, OR.
Our Retreat Master is Fr. Christopher Bernabe.
The Theme for the day is “It Came upon a Midnight Clear; How Christ’s Light Leaps Forth into our Darkness”
Retreat from 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Doors open at 8:15 a.m.
$40 per person; includes lunch
To register, please phone the retreat house at (503) 649-7127 or register online at www.olpretreat.org
WOCCR Team meeting will hold a Planning Meeting
God bless each and every one of you. We wish you a great Thanksgiving and a Holy Christmas and New Year.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Yours in Christ,
The WOCCRs Service Team
The WOCCR’s planning meeting will be held in January 2024. The Team will plan activities for the year. We will not be doing a large conference in 2024 as they typically take two years to plan. But we will be talking about it for 2025.
We will also be discussing the possibility of new members . Please pray about that for us. And if someone keeps coming to mind, please reply to woccrs@gmail.com with “New Service Members” in the Subject Line.