
“Behold the Lamb of God” — Dina Marie Hale

All are welcome to the Lenten Day of Recollection at St. Jude Catholic Church in Eugene. The retreat theme is: "Behold the Lamb of God" with Catholic speaker Dina Marie Hale of Faith Moments. Doors open at 9:00 a.m. A free will offering is appreciated. For more info and to RSVP your seat visit: www.dinamarie.org.

By |2024-02-08T20:26:45-08:00February 8, 2024|, |Comments Off on “Behold the Lamb of God” — Dina Marie Hale

Retreat with Dr. Mary Healy — Bend, OR

Dr. Mary Healy will conduct an all-day retreat at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Bend, OR. Theme: Encountering Jesus:  A Call to Holiness, Healing, and Mission. Dr. Healy is a Catholic theologian and an international speaker. She teaches sacred scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. Her main interests include faith healing, evangelization, and Catholic spirituality.   Dr. Healy was one of the first women appointed by Pope Francis in 2014 to the Pontifical Biblical Commission.

By |2024-05-25T12:25:42-07:00February 3, 2024||Comments Off on Retreat with Dr. Mary Healy — Bend, OR

Advent Day Retreat

An Advent Day Retreat is planed for December 6th at Our Lady of Peace Retreat House, Beaverton, OR. The retreat master is Fr. Christopher Bernabe. He obtained secular degrees in Psychology & Political Science from the University of New Mexico before studying at Mt. Angel Seminary in Oregon, the Pontifical North American College, and The Pontifical University of St. Thomas in Rome, where he earned an STB focusing on Mystical Theology. He is an experienced retreat master, director, and speaker.

By |2023-11-30T14:43:54-08:00November 24, 2023||Comments Off on Advent Day Retreat

WOCCR Website Redesigned

The Western Oregon Catholic Charismatic Renewal is proud to announce completion of our redesigned and updated website. Here is a list of many enhancements: Refreshed and updated overall design, using the latest available web tools. Added a Tag line below the title on each page. Added links within the text of most pages, so you can cross reference topics. Updated Menu design for easier navigation throughout the website. Added space on the Home page for you to give testimony about the Renewal. Significantly expanded Resources section to provide more information. Added a Newsletters page, so you can access all pervious editions. Added a new Page for Questions and Answers (Q & A’s). Restored the capability for you to make Donations. And much more.

By |2023-10-18T16:54:03-07:00October 18, 2023|WOCCR Website|0 Comments
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