Healing Mass

Fall Summary

Well, another year has passed. This Fall Summary newsletter provides a review of Fall activities including: Dr. Healy’s retreat in Bend, OR on September 21, 2024; the Healing Mass with WOCCR and the Shalom World Conference team on October 18th; and a very interesting presentation on deliverance by Fr. Timothy Furlow and Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre, on November 9th.

By |2024-12-30T16:02:23-08:00December 17, 2024|Charismatic Renewal, Healing Mass, Spiritual Development, Spiritual Warfare|Comments Off on Fall Summary


Dr. Mary Healy will conduct an all-day (8 am – 4 pm) retreat at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, 2450 NE 27th St, Bend, OR 97701. The theme is: "Encountering Jesus: A Call to Holiness, Healing, and Mission". Dr. Healy is a Catholic theologian and an international speaker. She teaches sacred scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. Her main interests include faith healing, evangelization, and Catholic spirituality. Dr. Healy was one of the first women appointed by Pope Francis in 2014 to the Pontifical Biblical Commission.

By |2024-12-30T16:08:29-08:00July 22, 2024|Day of Renewal, Healing Mass, Retreat|0 Comments

Summer & Fall Planned Events

Newsletter: There are a number of charismatic and church related activities this summer and fall: One is a Healing Mass at Holy Trinity Parish, located at 13715 SW Walker Road, Beaverton, OR, with Auxiliary Bishop Peter Smith celebrating; Second is an Area Wide Prayer Meeting with lots of Praise and Worship music, some testimonies, prophecies (God Willing), and Ministry. Christ the King Parish, located at 7414 SE Michael Drive, Milwaukie, OR; and several more.

By |2023-10-13T13:58:38-07:00May 8, 2023|Area Wide Prayer Meeting, Healing Mass, Spiritual Development|Comments Off on Summer & Fall Planned Events

Report on Healing Mass

Newsletter: If you attended the Healing Mass on May 25th with Fr Justus Kizza at St Joseph’s Church in Vancouver, WA, then you know that was a very blessed time. Beginning at 7:00 pm and ending at 11:00 pm, the Mass was beautiful and the praise and worship by Greg Stone and several of his friends was perfect, Fr. Justus celebrated the Mass with Fr. Chuck Wood concelebrating. All in the church came up for prayer after the Mass.  It was a very holy time in which several people were healed, and many friendships strengthened.

By |2023-10-11T19:41:28-07:00June 28, 2018|Day of Renewal, Healing Mass|0 Comments

Planned Events

Newsletter: This year we have three events planned: 1) The first is in Vancouver, WA at St Joseph’s on May 25. We are very pleased that Fr. Justus Kiiza has accepted our invitation to celebrate a healing Mass with us beginning at 7:00 p.m.; 2) Fr. Bill Adams from Huntington Beach California will be our Presenter at a Day of Renewal on July 14th, at Our Lady of the Lake Parish Center, in Lake Oswego, OR from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; and 3) On October 27,  Fr. Tim Furlow from St Mary’s Cathedral will be celebrating a healing Mass for us beginning at 7:30 pm at the Cathedral. Dave Bentz will provide the music.

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