Charismatic Renewal

Fall Summary

Well, another year has passed. This Fall Summary newsletter provides a review of Fall activities including: Dr. Healy’s retreat in Bend, OR on September 21, 2024; the Healing Mass with WOCCR and the Shalom World Conference team on October 18th; and a very interesting presentation on deliverance by Fr. Timothy Furlow and Dr. Lynne Bissonnette-Pitre, on November 9th.

By |2024-12-30T16:02:23-08:00December 17, 2024|Charismatic Renewal, Healing Mass, Spiritual Development, Spiritual Warfare|Comments Off on Fall Summary


Newsletter: We are pleased to announce a number of events that are planned for this year. They include: School of Healing; Healing Service; two Healing Masses this Summer; and a Mini-Conference with Ralph Martin. Here are the current details on these events. Please see the events page for updated information. Mark you calendar and plan to attend.Jesus promised, “These signs will accompany those who believe…They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover”(Mark 16:17-18). Jesus has called us to do what he did, and that includes healing the sick. The Encounter School of Healing is a two-day conference to teach, impart and activate Catholics to be a more effective minister of Jesus’ healing in the world! Jesus wants to use you as an instrument of his divine healing. Are you going to give him the chance?

By |2023-10-11T19:41:02-07:00January 31, 2022|Charismatic Renewal, Healing|Comments Off on Healing


Newsletter: One of the strengths, and indeed the beauty, of Catholicism that we can embrace different expressions of our faith. Many people find that expression within the context of a parish community, while others find it within what we call ecclesial communities. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is one such community. The CCR, however, is not a single community, but rather a variety of entities which have formed for different purposes, such as evangelization, prayer, service, worship, healing, catechesis, and youth ministry. What unites these various groups is that at the heart of every group, and every member, is the desire to draw on the graces that flow from the Holy Spirit — described by the term, “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”.

By |2023-10-13T20:37:47-07:00November 24, 2021|Charismatic Renewal|Comments Off on Update

COVID-19 Changes Plans

Newsletter: Because of the Pandemic, people are having to do things a little differently.  This can be a real gift, if you look at that way. For instance, many of our prayer groups are very small -- too small really, to be able to conduct a Life in the Spirit (LIS) seminar without help. The Ark and the Dove Retreat Center (where the Catholic Charismatic Renewal began in 1967), is offering an online LIS for free, beginning May 24, 2020. It will not be lived streamed but recorded and put on their website (YouTube and Facebook).

By |2023-10-11T19:41:15-07:00May 23, 2020|Charismatic Renewal|0 Comments

Coronavirus Changes

Newsletter: Have you ever had a project to do and kept putting it off because you didn’t know what to say or how to do it? And then months later, something happens, and you realize that it just wasn’t time to do that project. It was a God thing. Well that is what this information letter turned out to be. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic there are things we cannot do to remain safe. There are also many services being cancelled, temporarily. If you have not seen it, I am enclosing a letter from Archbishop Sample, dated April 4, 2020.

By |2023-10-11T19:41:15-07:00April 20, 2020|Charismatic Renewal|0 Comments

Day of Renewal

Newsletter: The WOCCR Team is proud to announce a Fall Day of Renewal with Auxiliary Bishop Peter Smith, Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. On October 19, 2019, the Day of Renewal will be held at Our Lady of the Lake Parish Center, at 650 “A” Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR. The theme of the day is “Build Unity in the Power of the Holy Spirit.”

By |2023-10-11T19:41:15-07:00September 12, 2019|Charismatic Renewal, Day of Renewal|0 Comments

Encounter Jesus in the Power of the Spirit

Newsletter: The WOCCR Team is proud to announce that Fr. Dave Pivonka will be coming to Oregon City, OR on June 1st to give a series of talks titled: “Encounter Jesus in the Power of the Spirit”. Please save the date and plan to attend this regional charismatic event. We are also very happy to announce that Dina Marie Hale former Program Director and Morning Show host for KBVM now Mater Dei radio will be our Master of Ceremonies

By |2023-10-11T19:41:15-07:00April 4, 2019|Charismatic Renewal, Day of Renewal|0 Comments

New Members for the WOCCR Team

Newsletter: I first would like to thank Mike Dorthalina, Jay D’Souza and Yvonne Krill, who resigned this year, for their gifted and very important service to the WOCCR Service Team, through the years. I want to introduce and welcome our new members: -- Felix Barba from St John the Apostle in Oregon City, OR. -- Patty Rydquist from St Patrick’s in Canby, OR. -- Catherine Van and Danny Truong from Our Lady of Lavang in Portland, OR. -- Angie Price from Our Lady of the Lake in Lake Oswego, OR. -- Terry Heaton from St Thomas Aquinas in Camas, WA.

By |2023-10-13T13:50:34-07:00February 22, 2019|Charismatic Renewal, Healing, WOCCR Team|0 Comments
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